Welcome to Habits of Change

Welcome to our blog. We hope you will keep coming back. We plan to provide awesome content all about your mental health. Tips and tricks, journals, and more to help you on your mental health journey. Also, watch out for our upcoming journaling classes, goals setting workshop and more. We look forward to our journey together.

  • Fight or flight Cycle

    This is me at 3 with my Grandma (my dad’s mom) – this grandma and my other one (my mom’s mom) were an important figure in my childhood because when my parents fought my dad would send me to my grandparents for help and I would stay with Grandma and Grandpa would help my dad…

  • Self-Love and Self Esteem

    The lack of self-love and self-esteem are the biggest issues when a person is depressed. Achievements are satisfying but they don’t bring you happiness. Only your own self-image or self-worth can determine how you actually feel. Depression often feels like a heavy fog descending upon the mind, obscuring any sense of worth or value. In…

  • Circle of Control

    The “Out of My Control and In My Control” diagram, often referred to as the “Circle of Control,” is a visual tool designed to help individuals focus their energy and efforts on aspects of their lives that they can influence. This diagram is typically divided into two sections: the inner circle, which represents things within…

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